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كشف حقيقة التربح غير المشروع لجمعيات الاسكان التعاونى وتوظيف الاموال ؟ جمع الاموال لمشروع بناء وهمى على ارض محل نزاع قضائى على الملكيه ؟-رسالة من أحد ضحايا كشف الفساد المالى والإدارى -فراد أسرة النائب العام متوغلون في إدارة شركات مكتظة بالفساد المالي -المهندس شريف سوسة رئيسا لشركة بدر الدين للبترول. -إهدار4 ملايين جنيه بشركة بدر الدين للبترول -فساد بـ4 ملايين جنيه بشركات البترول بمطروح-مذكره التي اثارت غضب بعض الافراد من شركه بدر الدين...


الثلاثاء، 23 أكتوبر 2012

Simplex Design blog : The Common Misconceptions about SEO

Simplex Design blog : The Common Misconceptions about SEO

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The Common Misconceptions about SEO

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 09:26 PM PDT

While Search Engine Optimization is riding the success wave almost everywhere on the internet,
there are more than enough misconceptions about SEO as well. Let's separate fact from fiction.

1. Do it right once and that's it

Simply put, SEO is using well placed phrases in the content of your website so as to get the best
rankings in search engines. Content is definitely key and any business or company needs to ensure
that its content is well written, cogent and dependable. But content is not the only thing and so to
write great content and sit back waiting for things to happen will not work in SEO. This is an ongoing
process and needs to be monitored regularly so that you can get more from the process.

2. More content, less design

While SEO does focus on great content, it is a misconception to think that you need to sacrifice
design and aesthetics to be more visible in a search engine. In fact SEO employs not just words
but many other aspects that you might use on the site to drive traffic your way. This could include
something as simple as menu design, the tabs on your website or even the shopping cart customers
use to store their purchase. The better designed your site, the better it is for you. Besides, good
content cannot make up for a confused and confusing website.

3. Pay per Click works better

One would imagine that the internet would be flooded with lot of information but not much quality
if the company that pays for key phrases has better visibility! Search engines do not care about how
much money you've spent but about what quality you deliver. Remember, search engines need to
benefit too! PPC works along with SEO and not as a substitute as SEO.

4. Links are overrated

Believe this misconception at your own peril! Links are important when you want the customers'
visit to your website to culminate in a sale. You have to spend time and effort building backlinks
and ensuring that the health of the links to and from your site is good at all times. Links are not
overrated and are instead valuable resources to help your business grow further.

5. The more the links, the better

If thinking that links are overrated is bad, then thinking that as many links as possible is the key to
good SEO is bad too. Flooding your website with links is counter-productive and only help to confuse
the customer. What you should look for instead is a well thought out bunch of workable links that do
an effective job for you.

6. The in-house technical team can handle SEO

Well this is a tricky one. It depends on how good your technical team is and how busy its members
are. Yes of course SEO is not tough to do because you need 'simple' things like ASP, PHP and C++
to program but SEO is not just programming. You need to design it well so it can do its job well. For

this, it is helpful to have a dedicated team of people focusing on it, exclusively.

Watch out for the rumors and half-truths and create SEO that is elegant and effective!

About Guest Blogger

Teyona Dame is a tech-lover and enjoys to write interesting topic about technology. She writes for xfinity and its services as well. To know more, click here

السبت، 20 أكتوبر 2012

Simplex Design blog : Why my guest post doesn't appear in SimplexDesign

Simplex Design blog : Why my guest post doesn't appear in SimplexDesign

Link to SimplexDesign - free premium blogspot template

Why my guest post doesn't appear in SimplexDesign

Posted: 20 Oct 2012 04:28 AM PDT

In SimplexDesign blog, I always welcome bloggers who want to contribute content and giving value to readers . Guest blogger can place two links in the bio as an exchange to his contribution . When site grows , I receive more and more guest posting proposal everyday. But it doesn't mean all guest posts I received are good enough to publish. In this post, I will show you what need to do to make me publish your guest post :

1, Quality of content

It's the first thing that I concern when receive a guest post . As mentioned above, I only receive posts that give value to readers. It means readers must feel that they see something new after reading post. Content must be original and unique, and people can apply to their blog.
Many guest blogger sent me posts so simple that we can find out in internet thousand posts with the same content just by a click. For example a post name 'SEO techniques' is about using H1 tag, title, meta tag ... Or another post name 'Social marketing technique' focus on how to register Twitter /Facebook and create a fanpage only.
Don't misunderstood my words, content in the posts above are not wrong, but I think none of you visit SimplexDesign for a thing like this.

2, Pay attention to the guest posting rules

In my blog ,there's a page name 'write for us' in the top navigation bar . This page show guest posting rules, niche topics, link, bio and email address that you can send post to. For saving times, please don't send me posts on other niches, for example: education, real estate ...They can be published in somewhere else, but not my blog.
Take your time in reading guest posting rules, I think it will easier for you and me. As a blog owner, I feel ok with guest posting proposals that already know what niche topics to write. And I think other blog owners who accept guest posting are the same to me.

3, Take care of the biography 

All I want for a good biography at the end of guest post is basic information on guest blogger, and links to his/her profile or website.
Don't use this for advertisements, don't use this to write something that not about you. It will increase the opportunity your post appear in my blog.

4, Considering link building strategy before submitting guest post

I know many blogger who want to increase ranks, so he/she hire ghost blogger submit guest posts with back links to everywhere. But Google has changed their policy and some blogs got penalties from Google for their back links.
Several days ago, I have to remove back links in a guest post as request of a webmaster. He hired link building service submit guest posts to many sites, even unrelated sites, afterthat, his website has been moved to Google sandbox.

Guest blogging bring benefit to both of guest bloggers and blog owner. I'm not an expert that know and write everything. So I need contribution from you all. Knowledge is for sharing.
If you follow all things above, I think your post will appear in my blog soon.

الخميس، 18 أكتوبر 2012

Simplex Design blog : 7 essential elements to sketch your blog look great

Simplex Design blog : 7 essential elements to sketch your blog look great

Link to SimplexDesign - free premium blogspot template

7 essential elements to sketch your blog look great

Posted: 17 Oct 2012 05:23 PM PDT

A blog is a  website that contains valuable information published on the World Wide Web shared among people at large. No matter how rich the content of your blog is, a unique blog design plays a vital role in making your blog successful. The internet is filled with ready to install themes but for bloggers who want make their blog a killer, read on to find out how you can design your blog from scratch.

Preparing for the blog design

The first step towards designing a blog is to have a clear idea as to what you are looking for. This is important for you or for your blog designer to save time and money on designing your blog.

The choice of colors

As you are striving towards getting more visitors to your blog, choose colors that many people like so that they will tend to stick around for a long time and also bring in their friends to your blog.  Every color has a meaning of its own and the choice of colors can convey a lot to your visitors. Usually bright colors like red and orange grab the attention of the visitors.

Website layout

Blog designing is based upon the layout of your blog website. Earlier, blog websites had just the header and footer, main page for content and a sidebar. Nowadays blogs have two sidebars on the right and left side of the main content. You must have noted archive, subscriptions by email on the side bar.

Let us look at the importance of each of the layout components.


Header is the top portion of your blog web page that your visitors first see when landing on your blog. The header is made up of the title, slogan, logo and navigation menu. Apart from these the search bar and icons to connect with social networking websites also finds a place on the header. The search functionality helps your visitors to perform a search on your blog and find relevant information.


You can opt to have two side bars left and right side of your main content or one of them. These side bars give you an opportunity to showcase advertisements or  add a call to action button like Buy now! Offers on e-books, prompting your visitors to click and view the ad. Today there are so many multimedia professionals who specialize in delivering Ad banner design services through the internet.
If you browse through your favorite blogs, you will find network sharing functions on the left and blog archive, search function, tags, categories towards the right on many of them.

Center web page

The center part is where your blog content appears. Design your center part in a nice way so that visitors can enjoy reading your articles. You should be able to accommodate blogger comment form that allows other bloggers to comment on the posts and display them with replies added to those comments. Also include social media buttons and links to related posts. Social media buttons enable people to share your article posts on popular social networking and bookmarking websites.


Footer is the last section of the blog page. This section is the same for almost all web pages which consists links like privacy policy, terms and conditions and contact us.

A good blogging platform compliments an attractive blog design. Blogging platform like Wordpress support theme installation and has over a thousand free templates to offer for its bloggers to instantly add a theme to their blog. Let your blog design code be flexible enough to make changes in case your blog is not able to attract visitors. Ensure that it is search engine friendly and compatible on devices like the iphone, tablet and mobile touch phones.

About Guest Blogger

 Linda, a passionate blogger also creates attractive banner designs for the web and dns server setup to configure and optimize server.