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الخميس، 20 يونيو 2013

Simplex Design blog : 5 mistakes that make people don't want to visit your site

Simplex Design blog : 5 mistakes that make people don't want to visit your site

Link to SimplexDesign - free premium blogspot template

5 mistakes that make people don't want to visit your site

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 02:51 AM PDT

Do you have a website ? How's your site status?
In my experience, I already built many sites, in Wordpress, Joomla and Blogger, and I know it's very difficult to get visitors to your site, from the begining to an acceptable traffic which enough to start making money, a long way to go.
In this post, not a big word, I would like to share my experience in 5 mistakes that make people do not want to visit your site.

1, Unfinished website

Don't try to build traffic and get visitor when your site is not ready. You see new technologies coming out everyday, so why you force your visitor to see a poor designed website or unfinished website with all links can not work, long loading time, broken layout or collapse layout?
A clean layout, readable text, header and a good color scheme will be attract more reader and keep them in your site longer.
In these day, responsive design is a modern trend. A site for all device: desktop computer, laptop to cellphone, tablet, with different size of screen will become popular in near future.

2, Website is down

That's another terrible things. How easily to get angry when trying to access content in a website but receive a notice that not available, site temporary down. First impression is very important and I think you don't want it to be a bad impression. If your site down, ask for IT support services, your hosting providers, or anyone who can solve out. It will be better if you can show a message for your visitor ask them to come back later instead of browser error message "The page you are trying to load is not available"
At very first time, when I start building wordpress site, I used a free hosting to host them. 100 MB storage and 10GB bandwidth, not so bad for a small site?. It's great for a few visitors but when my site becomes larger, it was a disaster. Downtime 99%. Yes, they had a profesional package for those who want more space and bandwidth but this package was not better than free. When I tried to move to another hosting, it's very hard to move all data without losing. So a professional and reliable hosting provider from starting is very important.

3, No contact information

Many people are using Simplex's templates. You might be one among them. But did you change the contact information in the footer of template file?
I received a lot of email from strange people, asking for something sounds strange to me. In header of email were something like this: Dear webmaster of xyz ...
They are using my template but forget to remove my email from footer of template which used for demo purpose.
Another things that I find out when surfing websites. When I really like something in a sites and want to contact web owner for more, I can not find the contact page, or blank contact page, or something blah blah blah ....
You are the owner of websites, why don't have a page "About us" and a "Contact us" so visitor can reach you easily? It will be more important for a business website. Most of people do not trust in a site without detail information about the owner and contact person.
About us/ contact us is also a factor that increase your page authority index. This index is now play an important role in Google Page rank. Their bots are more intelligent and their mission is to find real information from real person. Not a garbage from post spinning softwares.

4, Easy to read

A truth I realized that people like short and simple paragraph. They tends to quit if the writing is complicated and can not understand quickly. In an article in internet, they said people only have 10 seconds for reading a post. If your post impress the readers in first 10 seconds, they can read the whole post and stay longer in your site. If not, they will try other results in Google.
In my experience, short paragraph, short post is more effective than long post. If post so long, break it down to 2 or more posts. It's not only attract readers to your site, but also have more opportunities to make money.

5, Advertisment and pop-up

Pop-up advertisement is a good way to make money. But in my opinion, it's one of reason that make people don't want to visit your site.
Another thing to avoid is the number of advertisment. Many site try to maximize the revenue, so they try to place ads everywhere. It makes readers confused, sometime, they can not identify which is content, which is ad placement. What happen if you visit a site with hope to find download link for a software, try to click download link but it's an advertisment ? No download link. I will back to Google immediately.