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كشف حقيقة التربح غير المشروع لجمعيات الاسكان التعاونى وتوظيف الاموال ؟ جمع الاموال لمشروع بناء وهمى على ارض محل نزاع قضائى على الملكيه ؟-رسالة من أحد ضحايا كشف الفساد المالى والإدارى -فراد أسرة النائب العام متوغلون في إدارة شركات مكتظة بالفساد المالي -المهندس شريف سوسة رئيسا لشركة بدر الدين للبترول. -إهدار4 ملايين جنيه بشركة بدر الدين للبترول -فساد بـ4 ملايين جنيه بشركات البترول بمطروح-مذكره التي اثارت غضب بعض الافراد من شركه بدر الدين...


السبت، 29 مارس 2014

Simplex Design blog : Blogging tools available for free for small business

Simplex Design blog : Blogging tools available for free for small business

Link to SimplexDesign - free blogger template

Blogging tools available for free for small business

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 06:50 PM PDT

Blogs are a highly effective and low budget way of creating mass publicity for your business. It is great in not just putting forth your views and products but also gives a chance to interact with the customers, which is helpful in relationship building and in turn gain their loyalty. It also helps you in reaching a wider audience and get new customers easily. If you are on your way for setting up a blog for your company then you should take a note of some beneficial blog tools to increase the productivity that are available freely for use.

Capture the data with Evernote

Evernote is a great tool that helps in capturing data that you need and has the ability to capture web pages, images, text, voice notes, etc. It is quite similar to Read-it-Later and has lots of applications and available integrations that help in saving items directly in an account. This account is readily available for access via any digital device – computer, mobile phones or tablets. Looking for the right information in the notes is also made easy with its unique intelligent search that even searches through text within images.

Share the blog posts with Shareholic

Shareholic is a very time saving and productive tool when it comes to quickly sharing the blog posts all over the social media network. It has an extension for every browser and is available as WordPress plugin which is known as Sexy Bookmarks is widely used already on the web. It has integration of over 100 services that provide sharing and saving content option.

Prevent plagiarism with Plagium

Plagiarism can hamper your blog's rating if a search engine catches you and this issue particularly arises if you are publishing guest posts on your blog. Duplicate content is always penalized by Google and can hamper your page ranking. The free Plagium tool can tell whether the text used in the particular post has been already published online before or not.

Design professional-looking emails with MailChimp

The trickiest of online marketing campaign is Email marketing but can actually turn into a highly productive one with targeted audiences. The issue is that it needs a lot of investment and to resolve these services of a free tool called MailChimp can be hired. It helps in designing emails to send across customers and is very easy to use even for beginners to provide professional looking email that really stands out.

Organize the blog with Drive and Google Calendar

Using email and drive with blogging can be quite helpful since there are a lot of easy tools available through it. The Google Calendar is the best way for managing daily schedules with the provision of reminders regarding deadlines and meetings set by you. Drive helps in storing most posts, published or unpublished and makes it available from any location and any digital device.

The desktop editor - Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer is a neat looking desktop editor which is well connected with most popular blogging platforms. It basically helps in creating new and editing previous blog posts and even preview it for you before they are published. It is also great in managing multiple blogs easily from one location. The additional benefit is its Watermarking feature for images which is a great and easy to use tool.

Opinion polls with Poll daddy

Keeping polls with posts on the blog ensures involvement from the readers and also helps in gathering productive information for market research. Poll daddy is a freely available tool which can be seamlessly integrated and has very easy interface to check the tally of votes. It also makes going through comments easy and makes it available individually. Its survey editor is highly customizable and can be even used easily by amateurs.

Tableau Public for images and graphs

In this age using mere text content doesn't grab attention and that's why there is a need of using rich images, data graphs and other visual media to attract customers. The content starts looking much better with the support of visuals and chances are that it will be shared more. Small businesses should utilize graphs statistically to show details of relevant industry details as people love graphs since they are easier to understand.

Search relevant images with Compfight

Compfight is a very helpful plugin that helps you search relevant images that are freely available and can be used for your post. Using images provides a unique sense of richness to the content and Compfight makes it easier for search for images right from inside the WordPress editor page. It also automatically links the source without you doing any additional work. It is the best image search plugin available freely that will save both time and effort for small business blogging.

Custom RSS feeds with Feedburner

Feedburner basically is an RSS management service that can be used to access custom RSS feeds and management tools. It also provides you with traffic statistics to check on how many people actually are visiting your page and viewing the content in your feeds. There also is an advertising system which is intelligently integrated inside the RSS feeds to help you earn money. Its Feedflares provides additional advantage of adding links to share content at the bottom of the feed items.

Hoot Suite to manage multiple social media platforms

Hoot suite is an automated tool that literally cuts hours of hard work by proving the power to manage multiple social media channels inside it. It has excellent features and can also track your posts across multiple social media websites. The highlight, though, of Hoot suite is its scheduled posts feature that helps in scheduling publishing of posts ahead of time and is great if you are going to be busy somewhere else or are planning to go on a vacation.

Keep the SEO score with SeoPressor

SeoPressor is available for WordPress and is an intelligent tool that scans through your blog posts thoroughly and provides you with an SEO score. The score is given on the basis of different on-page elements like headings, anchor tags, description and keyword density for the targeted keyword. It also will provide you suggestions if you need to use more images or not making it quite easy for amateur bloggers to optimize their posts.

Awesome Screenshot to capture and annotate web screenshots

Awesome Screenshot is a web tool that has the ability to capture screenshots from the web and also add annotations to it. The screen grab can be taken of an entire page, the visible part of the page or a selected area. The blur tool is available to blur out information that hold key privacy information for user safety. It is quite helpful for small businesses that are related to technology and post step-by-step tutorials.

About Guest Blogger

I am Ramya Raju a freelance web design writer with 8 yrs of extensive blogging experience on a variety of online publishing and social-media platforms. I generally write high-quality articles on travel, photography, SEO, Web design, English courses, and generic topics too. I'm also an extrovert with a passion for photography, anthropology and travelling to different countries to learn the culture and living of the local inhabitants.

Contact: Ramya Raju 
E-mail id: 

الجمعة، 21 مارس 2014

Simplex Design blog : Web Design Trends for Entrepreneurs In 2014

Simplex Design blog : Web Design Trends for Entrepreneurs In 2014

Link to SimplexDesign - free blogger template

Web Design Trends for Entrepreneurs In 2014

Posted: 20 Mar 2014 07:27 PM PDT

People surfing the Internet will form an opinion about a website within 50 milliseconds (.05 seconds) of clicking through to its homepage, according to a study by Google. To put that into perspective, the average eye blink takes about 400 milliseconds.

The world of business is slowly but surely transitioning from a brick-and-mortar based system to one that is primarily an electronic endeavor. Your website is now the first impression a vast majority of people will get as it pertains to your company. Even if the products or services you sell are not the greatest, a well-designed, aesthetically-pleasing website will at least keep prospects around long enough to form their own opinions.

Web designers are incorporating new and old methods in 2014 to give their clients an advantage over the competition. Here are two web design trends that will continue to rise in popularity throughout the year:

Pantone Color Matching System

The purple color scheme chosen for your homepage background will look slightly different from one monitor to the next. That's because the RGB color model, an additive color scheme utilized in most computer monitors, simply blends red, green and blue light in myriad ways to produce something very close to the color you want, according to the book "Digital Video and HDTV: Algorithms and Interfaces" by Charles A. Poynton.

No matter how expensive and fancy your computer monitor is, whether it's a laptop from 2004, a new Ultabook, or the latest decked out gaming rig, screens will differ from one to the next, and may display colors that aren't exactly what you envisioned. This can be a major issue especially when dealing with logos and other branding mechanisms that need to be consistent across all platforms. That is unless you utilize the industry standard for color.

Pantone is the company behind the Pantone Matching System (PMS). According to CreativePro, it assigns a number to nearly every conceivable color the human eye can imagine. That means a graphic designer in New York can simply refer his client in Los Angeles to a PMS fanbook (like the ones you see in paint stores) containing all the colors, and match his exact choices. Keep colors in mind throughout your site, even when choosing photos and videos. Sites like have articles on how to use photography and stock footage to create an aesthetically successful site.
There are several apps today, including one by, that can seamlessly convert RGB colors to PMS. It behooves webmasters to get familiar with this technology.

Parallax Scrolling Sites

Those of you old enough to remember the 1982 arcade classic Moon Patrol already have a good idea of what parallax scrolling is. Japanese video game maker Irem wanted to create an illusion of movement and depth by making elements in the background move faster (or slower) than foreground images, according to

Today web designers are using this technique to spice up the online experience. New technologies like CSS3 and HTML5 are enabling designers to utilized this old technique for modern endeavors. It is especially useful for business owners wanting to create an environment that engages customers and other visitors to their websites.

Oakley was one of the first companies to utilize this technique for its Airbrake MX Goggles, as Instant Search points out. The product was displayed in 3D by scrolling and manipulating images to produce the desired effect. The website for Activate Drinks and the Honda CR-V provide two examples of the possibilities when parallax scrolling is utilized.

Dr. Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas concluded in his research that attractive people will earn about $230,000 more in their lifetimes than unattractive people. Looks matter and that includes the appearance of your website. Make sure the first impression for prospects is a lasting one.