
من يرغب في ارسال

من يرغب في ارسال اي مقال يمكنه المراسله علي الاميل

عنواين الرئيسيه

كشف حقيقة التربح غير المشروع لجمعيات الاسكان التعاونى وتوظيف الاموال ؟ جمع الاموال لمشروع بناء وهمى على ارض محل نزاع قضائى على الملكيه ؟-رسالة من أحد ضحايا كشف الفساد المالى والإدارى -فراد أسرة النائب العام متوغلون في إدارة شركات مكتظة بالفساد المالي -المهندس شريف سوسة رئيسا لشركة بدر الدين للبترول. -إهدار4 ملايين جنيه بشركة بدر الدين للبترول -فساد بـ4 ملايين جنيه بشركات البترول بمطروح-مذكره التي اثارت غضب بعض الافراد من شركه بدر الدين...


الأربعاء، 26 نوفمبر 2014

Simplex Design blog : Simplex BLG - Free Blogger template, clean and modern

Simplex Design blog : Simplex BLG - Free Blogger template, clean and modern

Link to SimplexDesign - free blogger template

Simplex BLG - Free Blogger template, clean and modern

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 12:30 AM PST

In this post, I would like to show you a new template name Simplex BLG, it's a modern and clearn template, ideal for blogger, writer, which allow readers to focus on content.

Demo | Download

Install instruction

1. Download template file. There are 3 files in package:

  • Simplex BLG.xml : template file
  • menu.txt : code of menu navigation
  • sample data.xml : posts and comments extracted from demo blog to help you test the template.

2. Open template file in a word editor such as Notepad++

3. Most of elements in this template can be edited via widgets. Only the post author biography we must edit directly in template file.

Search for this code in template file "<!--author-->", it will show you where post author bio code is.
And the next step we only need to edit
<div class='post-author'>
         <h4 class='block-heading'><span>About the Author</span></h4>    
         <div class='author-img'>
<img alt='' class='avatar avatar-110 photo' height='110' src=';;r=G' width='110'/>
         <div class='author-text'>
<h4><a href='' rel='author' title=''>Admin</a></h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cotur acing elit. Ut euis eget dolor sit amet congue. Ut vira codo matis. Sed lacia luctus magna ut sodales lorem.</p>
<span class='author-share'>
<a href='#'><i class='fa fa-facebook round-icon'/></a>
<a href='#'><i class='fa fa-twitter round-icon'/></a>
<a href='#'><i class='fa fa-instagram round-icon'/></a>
<a href='#'><i class='fa fa-google-plus round-icon'/></a>
<a href='#'><i class='fa fa-pinterest round-icon'/></a>
<a href=''><i class='fa fa-tumblr round-icon'/></a>
You can edit the code above, and add the link to your social networks accounts.

4. Save template and upload it to Blogger

5. Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Layout tab

6. To edit the header logo

Click on Header widget and upload your logo in widget content. Remember to checked on "instead of title and description"

7. To edit left header banner

You can click on edit link in these widgets and add advertisement code into widget content.

8. To edit right menu and social links

Click on edit link in right header widget

Copy and paste the code in file menu.txt and paste into widget content. After that, change the link to your label and social accounts.

9. To add content to slider widget

Click on edit link in slider widget

Enter the label which you want to show into widget content. For example you want to show posts under label "blog" in slider, just add label "blog" into widget content.

10. There are some existed widgets in sidebar, you can add your own widget or remove them. Most of these widgets are set up, you only need to edit content in text widget.

11. There are 3 widgets in footer, you can edit/add/remove these.
That's all for this simple template. Hope it helpful to you.

الثلاثاء، 18 نوفمبر 2014

Simplex Design blog : Elevate Your Voice in the Blogosphere

Simplex Design blog : Elevate Your Voice in the Blogosphere

Link to SimplexDesign - free blogger template

Elevate Your Voice in the Blogosphere

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 11:23 PM PST

Everybody who's in business, has an opinion or has a hobby, is online and speaking to the world with a blog. It's a mobile, social world and there are literally millions of people blogging according to statistics compiled by Ignite Spot Outsourced Accounting. With that much competition, a blogger has to stand out from the crowd to be successful, gain audience share and participate in the blogconomy with a compelling, memorable personal brand.

Find Your Niche & Brand It

Standing out from the crowd of blogging voices in the blogosphere is easier to do with a specific, focused niche, a point of view on something that you can create quality content about for a sustained period of time. You don't want to bore or confuse people. You want to attract and engage them so they return to read what you have to say and think of you when they think of your niche. Knowing your subject area presenting it with your personality is the key to blogging about it and attracting readers.
For example, if you are known to friends and family as the go-to person for baking and decorating the best birthday cakes, think about why that is and what you could do with it online. Laser-focus in on "your thing" and present it with your personality and charm for the best results.

Do It Differently

James Scherer of Content Marketing Institute recommends doing it differently to stand out from the crowd. He says write in ways that are different from others in your topic area. Write controversially, write in a fun sarcastic, anecdotal, or satirical voice, or write with refreshing or brutal honesty. Scherer says creating blog content differently such as interviewing people at farmer's markets or on a horse and carriage ride or combining your blog content with a fun concept like mixed drink recipes for the weekend instead of just straight text makes it memorable and engaging.
This is along the lines of the Blue Ocean Strategy developed by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, who advise bloggers not to jump into the highly competitive blogosphere of "red ocean blogs" they describe as an ocean bloody with bloggers fighting for attention. Kim and Mauborgne explain that "red ocean" strategies like sensational headlines, familiar topics and tired images can't compete with "blue ocean" strategies of high-quality, in-depth content presented with extreme openness and design quality.
Longer, more honest content highlighted with fewer but better focused, quality images sourced from websites like Shutterstock give readers a welcome break from the noise online. An audience feels the difference in blue ocean blogs.

Create a Variety of High Quality Content

Whether your blogging voice is funny, charming, controversial, or foul-mouthed, you have to bring something of value to readers on a regular basis to have a successful blog. Riverside Marketing Strategies president Heidi Cohen says the key to this is structure. Once you have your focus and your unique voice, create a structure that supports the quality content creation you need to keep readers interested and coming back for more.
Create a framework for your blog for consistent and sustainable quality with tools that include an editorial calendar to plan what content to write and when, a promotional calendar with relevant events and holidays marked and a set of regular topic areas or ongoing themes. Use a planned balance of original and curated content, guest posting guidelines, and monitor competitors' content for variety and idea-generating activities.