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الخميس، 20 سبتمبر 2012

Simplex Design blog : Guidelines for Multiple Language Websites Design

Simplex Design blog : Guidelines for Multiple Language Websites Design

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Guidelines for Multiple Language Websites Design

Posted: 20 Sep 2012 01:45 AM PDT

Images Sources : Nailsmag
This is guest post by Daliah Kaif 
This is an article that highlights the importance of multiple language websites. Also this article gives important tips that can help you in creating amazing multi language websites so that you can appeal to a global audience.
English is the language of the world. However, that is today. The evolving world of today needs no explanation. There are no certainties that everything (including language) will remain the same in the coming future.

Also, with so many commercial sites in the world, are you absolutely sure that all your products are made for only the English speaking crowd? What about those who have a different language? Are you going to take the blame of racism? My guess is, not.
The world is becoming smaller because of better communication. Online shopping is a rage amongst people. It is so convenient to be able to sit in one part of the world and be able to shop from somewhere completely across the globe. Most websites today are adopting the multiple language approach to ensure that people from a different language and ethnicity too can procure their products.

So, it is important to create multiple language websites that can help people from different languages read your website and thereby become aware of your products. Do not lose out on a client just because he couldn't understand what you wanted to say. Overcome the hurdle of the language discrepancy by following the following points:

Top Level Domains (TLDs)

To accurately penetrate overseas markets you'll need to create a distinct TLD for each language. Doing this will augment your site's credibility and reliability along with assuring a higher ranking in the local search engines of the particular country. When you have multi languages sub domains it becomes easier for your search engine to crawl through these sub domains.


Hosting is as important as having the website in the first place. This is why you must take care that you host all these different language sites on servers in individual countries. Once again this can prove very helpful in local search engine rankings because of Geo Targeting.


Website Design determines largely how a viewer receives your website. Although it has no direct impact on the changes in the language, it however should be laid out in a way that helps people read matter in whatever language it is offered in. This means that the framework that you have should be such that it is consistent in terms of banners and ad placements.
Your branding should be recognizable across various localized sites. It should be flexible enough to assist in navigation across various markets based on their preferences. There are several elements to consider when it comes to your overall page and navigation design for your set of localized sites.
You must take care that you may have to tweak the design with respect to the width and height of various columns based on language. Some languages may require you to use maximum imagery. Some others may require you to simply incorporate maximum texts.


The social and ethnic implications of colors can differ extensively among diverse nations – for instance black is usually the color of bereavement in the west, while it's white in the east, and green may point to the environment and nature in European countries, but in the Middle East it has sacred meanings, as the divine color of Islam. Contemplate prudently about your color scheme before going ahead with each site.


Ethnic thoughtfulness is of critical significance when it comes to your imagery. You must ensure that the imagery of your site is in sync with the region. Say for example, for an Indian website, show Indian people; for a Chinese website show Chinese people. Also verify and be doubly sure that none of the images used in your site are offensive in nature to the particular ethnicity.


It is of utmost importance that you give importance to bandwidth. Making heavy sites may not work well everywhere. Minimize the use of Java and Flash as much as possible to ensure that the site gets loaded properly and in time.

Author Guest Blogger

Daliah Kaif, Currently working at Viteb. Which is a leading Outsource Joomla development and Web Design Company based in India. Her interests span from professional Joomla development and website redesign services. She has  also enjoyed writing for his specialization, that is, website redesign on various forums.

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