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كشف حقيقة التربح غير المشروع لجمعيات الاسكان التعاونى وتوظيف الاموال ؟ جمع الاموال لمشروع بناء وهمى على ارض محل نزاع قضائى على الملكيه ؟-رسالة من أحد ضحايا كشف الفساد المالى والإدارى -فراد أسرة النائب العام متوغلون في إدارة شركات مكتظة بالفساد المالي -المهندس شريف سوسة رئيسا لشركة بدر الدين للبترول. -إهدار4 ملايين جنيه بشركة بدر الدين للبترول -فساد بـ4 ملايين جنيه بشركات البترول بمطروح-مذكره التي اثارت غضب بعض الافراد من شركه بدر الدين...


الاثنين، 14 سبتمبر 2015

Simplex Design blog : Tips for transforming your blog guests into repeat visitors

Simplex Design blog : Tips for transforming your blog guests into repeat visitors

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Tips for transforming your blog guests into repeat visitors

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 05:34 AM PDT

Has your website experienced a jump in new visitors? That's a good thing! It means that your blog is visible and that your SEO efforts are paying off. But if you're only converting a small percentage of those new hits into repeat visitors, it's a sign that something isn't working on your site. Perhaps your content doesn't match what the visitors were searching for, or it's simply not compelling enough to return. While it may not be possible to convert every visitor to your blog into a repeat customer, there are a number of ways to improve these conversion rates and start building up a steady, loyal readership over time. Here are a few tips to make your blog unmissable, time and time again.

Spark conversations

One of the top ways to get readers invested enough to come back for more is to allow comments on your posts. It's better not to moderate them in advance. If a commenter has to wait over an hour to see their comment pop up, they're unlikely to bother continuing with the conversation. Let the chat flow freely, and make your blog a welcoming community. Respond to comments and moderate when necessary for flow.

Update frequently

It goes without saying that if your content is stuffy, dull, or overly obvious that readers are unlikely to come back for more. Although it takes time to craft high-quality, interesting content, try to push yourself into a regular editorial schedule. Readers may be dying for more, but if they visit a few times and it seems like your site is never updated, they're unlikely to return. Aim for weekly, if not daily, updates.

Offer a weekly newsletter

Provide a gentle reminder that your blog is a must-read by giving visitors the option to sign up for regular updates or newsletters. A weekly newsletter could include special email-only content, notifications of upcoming events or giveaways, and a roundup of links to the week's best stories. This can be forwarded and shared as necessary.

Link to more content

If you have a blog about pet care and a reader has found you by searching for tips on dog grooming, you can pique her interest by including links to related stories at the bottom of the article. This makes the new reader more likely to click through and start browsing around your site. You can also include links to related content within the body of your article, making it easier for readers to find the information they're really looking for.

Build your social networks

Social networking is now essential for bloggers, and you'll boost reader engagement if you have feeds at the ready for your audience to like and share. If you need more ideas to help grow your brand, small business courses at can be a good source of information. This can help you integrate your growing blogger business with multiple social networking platforms.

Create a message board, listings board, or forum

Want a surefire way to keep guests coming back for more? Create a job board, event listings board, or community forum. These aren't features that every blog has, so it will help make yours stand out all the more.

Offer freebies

Ok, so this one might seem like bribery – but it works! Offering the occasional giveaway or running a contest can get your readers more involved, and far more likely to return to see if they're winners. As your readership and authority grows, there may be a number of businesses who would be happy to provide you with prizes in exchange for exposure to your readers – just be sure to fully disclose any partnerships of this kind to stay above board and maintain the level of trust that your readers expect!
Once a valuable reader has found your blog, don't let him leave. With a combination of valuable content and user-friendly features, you can help ensure that your blog becomes one of his new favourite online hangouts.

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