Simplex Design blog : Making a Living Reselling Hosting – 5 Tips | |
Making a Living Reselling Hosting – 5 Tips Posted: 21 Oct 2017 01:20 AM PDT If you want to get into the web hosting reselling market, you will definitely need to follow some basic yet important tips. The tips that are listed in this article can help you out a lot as you start your new business. A lot of people who try to resell web hosting fail miserably, and it is usually because they were completely unprepared. The best way to increase your chances of success with reselling web hosting services is to learn all you can before getting started. In the end you will be glad that you decided to get this information early on. 1. Choose the right reselling hosting business startup planThe first thing that you will need to consider when it comes to starting a successful hosting reseller business is the specific hosting package to purchase. The package that you choose will be incredibly important for a number of reasons, so you will need to take the time to do some research while considering your target demographic. Are you just looking to provide friends who run personal websites and blogs with hosting services? If so, the task of choosing a startup plan will be relatively easy. If you are planning on hosting business's websites though, you will definitely need to put some more consideration into the plan that you ultimately select. You will need to think about how much bandwidth and storage space your customers are going to need so that you can provide them with it. You must figure out who your potential customers are as well as looking at the competition so you can see what they are offering. When you actually take the time to do this research, you will increase your chances of running a successful hosting reseller business. 2. Don't simply buy the cheapest reseller hosting planWhile it may be tempting to simply choose the absolute cheapest reseller hosting plan so you can save as much money as possible, this is a big mistake that should be avoided. Those who do not usually end up failing in starburst colours, so you will need to keep that in mind. The last thing you want to do is get cheap when going about choosing your reseller hosting plan, because you will get exactly what you pay for. It is always a better idea to pay a little bit extra and get more rather than be cheap and get the bare minimum. If you want to attract lots of customers, you will need a hosting plan that will actually provide your core demographic with exactly what they did. Most ultra-cheap hosting plans don't really offer all that much, so you will need to remember that. A lot of bigger web hosting companies regularly run promotions that can help you stay within your budget while satisfying the needs of your customers. 3. Use a Corporate Billing SystemOne of the best ways to ensure that your web hosting reseller business will be a total success is to ensure that you have a solid and efficient system for handling your billings. This is going to be particularly important if you are planning on juggling a lot of customers' accounts at the same time. Make sure that you sign up for a corporate billing system solution so that you can automate the management and support of your customers. This will allow you to communicate with them easier and you will project a very professional image. A good billing system will enable you to activate the orders of your customers automatically, which is incredibly helpful for a number of reasons. Since you cannot be online all the time to activate new orders and you don't want to keep your customers waiting, it is extremely important that you do this. If you want to build a reputation as a reliable hosting reseller, it is crucial that you sign up for a corporate billing system account. 4. Offer 24/7 Technical SupportAnother way to solidify yourself as a reputable web hosting reseller that cares about its customers is to offer 24/7 technical support. It is important that your customers have access to the help they need whenever they need it. Nothing turns off potential customers like limited technical support, so you will need to keep this in mind. While it's true that providing your customers with round-the-clock support will cost you more, it is well worth it when you consider what it will do for your reputation. The fact is that you cannot be constantly available to help your own customers, and it's important that they get the help they need with their problems right away. 5. Use private nameserversYou will quickly discover that there are a lot of benefits associated with using private nameservers when it comes to running a web hosting reseller business. One of the first things to consider is that doing this will make you look very professional. Another benefit of doing this is that you will easily be able to switch from one hosting provider to another in the event that the service degrades and you have to find another provider. Many web hosting resellers are using private nameservers these days, and for good reason. After the migration to another web host, the only thing you will need to do is to change the nameservers' IP's from the ones associated with the old hosting company to the new IP's provided by your new hosting provider. Increasing your odds of successThe fact is that running a successful web hosting reseller business isn't all that difficult, especially when you have all the right information. There are a lot of people who have had a great deal of success when it comes to providing people with these services, and you can do the same. As long as you keep all of these tips in mind and really do your homework before getting started, you shouldn't encounter any major problems. You will certainly be glad you kept these things in mind. |
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