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الأربعاء، 19 أبريل 2017

Simplex Design blog : 5 Social media marketing tips

Simplex Design blog : 5 Social media marketing tips

Link to SimplexDesign - free blogger template

5 Social media marketing tips

Posted: 18 Apr 2017 07:58 AM PDT

Social media marketing can vary from business to business, depending on the audience, goods and services. However, the way in which you launch, run and regulate the campaign is the same. From launching a brand new social media campaign to improving and updating a current one, there is social media management you can use to engage, attract and engross your audience.
It's important to understand the different types of social media's and how each type can benefit your business. Different platforms have different uses so study this in detail before approaching your marketing campaign. Once your clued op on your social media's, you can decide which ones are going to benefit your business the most. Now you're ready to start your campaign, here are 5 top tips for social media marketing to ensure you can create the best possible buzz.

1. Get to know your audience

It's important to get to know who your audience are and where they spend the majority of their time. Understanding your audience better means you have more of a chance of reaching them.  Does the majority of your audience work in an office job? If so the lunch hour is going to be a popular time for them to be browsing social media's, so be sure to post at lunch time.
Review the posts in which received the most engagement and look at what times these were posted. Regular occurrence of 7pm posts that contain a lot of engagement means that you should try and post at this time often in order to reach your audience.

2. Use social media to get email address

It's important to always be growing your email list, a total of 91% of online shoppers regularly check their emails everyday according to an Exact Target survey. Most consumers even prefer being contacted via email as it allows them the freedom to look as and when they like.
You can use social media to increase your email list by providing a sign up form on Facebook for your followers to fill out. When you're actually sending the email, be sure to make it engaging and something that people will actually want to click on and read. Be creative with your content.

3. Don't spam

Although it is important to post to social media frequently, be mindful not to spam your follower's newsfeed. This could result in a loss of followers due to them being annoyed by your consistent posting. Even the best products or services in the world couldn't stop this.
This one links back to the first point about finding a time that your posts receive the most engagement. Stick to that time and don't post more than once a day. You want to be memorable for being engaging and interesting, not annoying.

4. Be interactive

Replying to your audience that take the time out to engage in your posts will really help your campaign. It gives your business a personal touch and allows the consumers to connect with you. You want your campaign to have a human feel. It takes less than a minute to reply 'your welcome', but it can make the difference between a consumer deciding to make that purchase or not.
It's also important to ensure your content is interactive. Your content will shape how consumers view your business so make sure that you vary what you're posting. Images, videos, quizzes, questions and facts are just a few ideas.

5. Utilise digital marketing agencies

Creative agency's that help you with your digital marketing and social media campaigns can take all of the time and effort out of social media management. They know the online market inside out so they are the best people to trust with your campaign and perform successful techniques that will result in more traffic to your website, better metrics and most importantly, more sales.

So have a scan of your social media newsfeed, look in into past posts and reach out for help from a digital marketing agency. Follow these top tips and you will be on your way to a strong and useful social media campaign.