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الجمعة، 21 مارس 2014

Simplex Design blog : Web Design Trends for Entrepreneurs In 2014

Simplex Design blog : Web Design Trends for Entrepreneurs In 2014

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Web Design Trends for Entrepreneurs In 2014

Posted: 20 Mar 2014 07:27 PM PDT

People surfing the Internet will form an opinion about a website within 50 milliseconds (.05 seconds) of clicking through to its homepage, according to a study by Google. To put that into perspective, the average eye blink takes about 400 milliseconds.

The world of business is slowly but surely transitioning from a brick-and-mortar based system to one that is primarily an electronic endeavor. Your website is now the first impression a vast majority of people will get as it pertains to your company. Even if the products or services you sell are not the greatest, a well-designed, aesthetically-pleasing website will at least keep prospects around long enough to form their own opinions.

Web designers are incorporating new and old methods in 2014 to give their clients an advantage over the competition. Here are two web design trends that will continue to rise in popularity throughout the year:

Pantone Color Matching System

The purple color scheme chosen for your homepage background will look slightly different from one monitor to the next. That's because the RGB color model, an additive color scheme utilized in most computer monitors, simply blends red, green and blue light in myriad ways to produce something very close to the color you want, according to the book "Digital Video and HDTV: Algorithms and Interfaces" by Charles A. Poynton.

No matter how expensive and fancy your computer monitor is, whether it's a laptop from 2004, a new Ultabook, or the latest decked out gaming rig, screens will differ from one to the next, and may display colors that aren't exactly what you envisioned. This can be a major issue especially when dealing with logos and other branding mechanisms that need to be consistent across all platforms. That is unless you utilize the industry standard for color.

Pantone is the company behind the Pantone Matching System (PMS). According to CreativePro, it assigns a number to nearly every conceivable color the human eye can imagine. That means a graphic designer in New York can simply refer his client in Los Angeles to a PMS fanbook (like the ones you see in paint stores) containing all the colors, and match his exact choices. Keep colors in mind throughout your site, even when choosing photos and videos. Sites like have articles on how to use photography and stock footage to create an aesthetically successful site.
There are several apps today, including one by, that can seamlessly convert RGB colors to PMS. It behooves webmasters to get familiar with this technology.

Parallax Scrolling Sites

Those of you old enough to remember the 1982 arcade classic Moon Patrol already have a good idea of what parallax scrolling is. Japanese video game maker Irem wanted to create an illusion of movement and depth by making elements in the background move faster (or slower) than foreground images, according to

Today web designers are using this technique to spice up the online experience. New technologies like CSS3 and HTML5 are enabling designers to utilized this old technique for modern endeavors. It is especially useful for business owners wanting to create an environment that engages customers and other visitors to their websites.

Oakley was one of the first companies to utilize this technique for its Airbrake MX Goggles, as Instant Search points out. The product was displayed in 3D by scrolling and manipulating images to produce the desired effect. The website for Activate Drinks and the Honda CR-V provide two examples of the possibilities when parallax scrolling is utilized.

Dr. Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas concluded in his research that attractive people will earn about $230,000 more in their lifetimes than unattractive people. Looks matter and that includes the appearance of your website. Make sure the first impression for prospects is a lasting one.

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